Zéphyr & Borée
Zéphyr & Borée is a maritime company developing innovative merchant vessels in order to offer low carbon maritime transport solutions.
Pioneer of the maritime sail transport, Zéphyr & Borée is working at the moment on hybrid sail-engine merchant ships what allows saving between 20% and 50% of the C02 as well as other polluting emissions of maritime transport (SOX, NOX, fine particles) while respecting delivery schedules and competitive prices.
Design and performance optimization
Hydro / aero performance
Expertise in different types of WASP (rotors, turbosails, wingsails, kites)
Expertise in alternative propulsion chains: hydrogen, synthetic fuels
Concrete experience of building the first modern sailing cargo
Experience of regulatory constraints and certification of a sailing cargo ship
Experience in contracting with wind propulsion subcontractors
Assessments of the transport of Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 launchers by heavy lift ship
Chartering and management of around ten operations on behalf of ArianeGroup
Implementation of a quality control process to ensure these operations in a secure manner
Products and services
At Zéphyr & Borée, we are committed to putting our expertise at the service of your needs. We develop vessels dedicated to different types of markets and we adapt to your requests.