Maritime Public High School FLORENCE ARTHAUD (SAINT MALO)
Successor to the Société d’Enseignement Professionnel et Technique des Pêches Maritimes created in 1895, the school trains its learners to the trades of sailors, aquaculture and the maritime sector in general.
- Adapting to the public (age, experience, etc.);
- Responsiveness according to the professionals' feedbacks and needs;
- Specialising in the training of electronics, electronic engineering, on-board automation and computing, and mechanics.
Products and services
- Training courses from CAP to BTS levels in :
- Initial training
- CAP Matelot (Level 3 certificate);
- Bac professionnel maritime Electro-mécanicien Marin (Maritime electromechanic), Bac Professionnel maritime Conduite et Gestion des Entreprises Maritimes (options Pêche & Commerce) (Management of maritime companies - Fishing and Trade options) and Bac Professionnel maritime Cultures Marines (Aquaculture - Level 4 certificate);
- BTSM Maintenance des Systèmes ElectroNavals (Electronaval systems maintenance - Level 5 certificate)
- BTS Biotechnologie (Biotechnology), in collaboration with the GRETA 35 nord-est /LEGTP Maupertuis in Saint-Malo (Level 5 certificate)
- Continuing education or apprenticeship, in collaboration with the CEFCM :
- BTSA Aquaculture
2. Additional training from local initiatives according to the shipping employers and maritime companies specific needs
- ETO unit, NE unit, additional training for on-board master electricians.
Human and technical resources
The school leans on 62 employees, half of which with a relevant background:
- Merchant Navy officers;
- Engineers and PhD students;
- Former sailors and heads of company
To improve the training courses, the school is equipped with:
- Sailing simulators, maritime radiocommunication systems, and naval machinery;
- a cell of high voltage electrical transformer;
- Technical workshops in electronic engineering, electronics, automation, computing (hardware & networking), hydraulics and cold production, combustion engine maintenance, and wedge, fitting and soldering.
- a small training ship: the Louis Fage, in collaboration with the CRESCO;
- an educational aquaculture farm located in the shellfish farming area in Cancale.
Maritime Public High School FLORENCE ARTHAUD (SAINT MALO)
developpement-durable [dot] gouv [dot] fr