Interprofession du Port de Lorient (IPL)
Professional association of shipbuilding and repair industry (Lorient)
Studies and enginering, master of work, boilers and structural steel, marine engines, piping, electrical, electronics, painting, cleaning, hydraulics, carpentry and woodwork, training and provision of personnel, handling and craning.
Products and services
Promote professions and facilities of shipbuilding and repair industry in South Brittany. Offer a range of multiple skills for new shipbuilding, technical stops, and refits… Develop new facilities such as putting into service a dry-dock for vessels…
Human and technical resources
IPL brings together 54 companies (1,150 jobs) around a 7 ha secure naval repair area, with modern facilities for docking: a 650 t lift, the most powerful in Europe, a 150 t propelled carriage, a wastewater treatment equipment.